Thursday 22 August 2013

Predict The Gender Of Your Future Child

                    How it would be If you can decide what baby you want to have?????

                     Feeling excited?????

                    Here is the secret..... Chinese have discovered a birth chart which will give you the prediction about your child even when the baby is in the mother womb Without Scanning ( Scanning a pregnant mother is a punishable offence) .

Chinese Birth Chart

The Above Shown Chart is the Chinese Birth Chart. It was found by the chinese 1000 years before and still it gives accurate predictions. In the Above Shown chart At the Top first row and the last row in bottom shows number from 1-12 - It denotes the month in which the female gets Conceived( A Woman gets pregnant) and the left corner first column denotes the age of the Female (18-45)

For Example: If a female gets pregnant in the moth of april (4) and her age is 27yrs  then according to the chart's prediction the gender of the baby will be a BOY

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