Monday 19 August 2013

Natural Home Air Filters

Everything in this world came by nature. Why can't we use natural products that mother nature gave us for better living than using artificial man made products?????

Here is a surprising thing that mother nature already gave us natural air filters long long ago. Is'nt that shocking??????

See our mother nature's gift

Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

Bamboo Palm is common plant grown in gardens of every home even without knowing it's speciality. It is a plant which can remove Formaldehyde which can cause skin allergy and can stimulate respiratory problems for asthmatic patients at low levels. Constant exposure to Formaldehyde causes Lung cancer. Bamboo palm removes these harmful toxins from air and not only that it is also a natural Humidifier.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake plant is also very common in our gardens kept because of it's beautiful look. Come on friends let us know about it's role in purifying air, Snake plants absorb Formaldehyde, which is already a harmful chemical for asthmatic patients and also Nitrogen Oxides , which are poisonous and can cause severe Respiratory problems.

Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens)

Areca Palm is the Most effective Air Humidifier, so friends put off your electric humdifier. It is also an active absorber of Formaldehyde. In winter periods keep this plant for every 100sqft of interior living or working place, it can put back the lost moisture in air very effectively.

Heart Leaf Philodendron

Heart Leaf Philodendron can remove high concentration of Formaldehyde in air. It is very useful purifier of air in industries were people are upto the exposure of higher concentration of formaldehyde.

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