Sunday 25 August 2013

Fig - A Natural Medicine For Diabetes

Fig fruit is most common and a famous flavouring agent in milkshakes. It has more minerals which we don't know. It is rich in Vitamin A and E and it has more fibre content . Fig Leaves have the capability to control Diabetes. Fig fruits contains minerals like Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium and Iron in large amounts.

   Especially Fig fruit consists of about 1 gram of Iron . Presence of Calcium and Phosphorus makes
Bones grow stronger and gives a Healthier Skeletal Structure. If women take fig fruit and soak it in water at night time and drink the water in the morning and eat the fruit can solve all Irregular periods problem. Along with that it also cures problems in women getting fertility and also Excretion problems for pregnant women.

   Taking Fig fruits daily stimulates hungriness in Kids. Kids taking Figs daily stay very active. Dry cough in kids can be cured by Figs. It can boost Immunity power, and controls the High blood pressure and keeps you away from Heart Diseases and so from Doctors.

                              Take Figs daily and have a Active day ahead.

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