Sunday 25 August 2013

Fig - A Natural Medicine For Diabetes

Fig fruit is most common and a famous flavouring agent in milkshakes. It has more minerals which we don't know. It is rich in Vitamin A and E and it has more fibre content . Fig Leaves have the capability to control Diabetes. Fig fruits contains minerals like Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium and Iron in large amounts.

   Especially Fig fruit consists of about 1 gram of Iron . Presence of Calcium and Phosphorus makes
Bones grow stronger and gives a Healthier Skeletal Structure. If women take fig fruit and soak it in water at night time and drink the water in the morning and eat the fruit can solve all Irregular periods problem. Along with that it also cures problems in women getting fertility and also Excretion problems for pregnant women.

   Taking Fig fruits daily stimulates hungriness in Kids. Kids taking Figs daily stay very active. Dry cough in kids can be cured by Figs. It can boost Immunity power, and controls the High blood pressure and keeps you away from Heart Diseases and so from Doctors.

                              Take Figs daily and have a Active day ahead.

Friday 23 August 2013

Free Medicine for Blood Cancer available in Chennai, India

Medicine for Blood Cancer (Lukemia)!!!!

Let it reach the Millions in The Universe

'Imitinef Mercilet' is a medicine which cures blood cancer. It's available free of cost at "Adyar Cancer Institute in Chennai, India.
Create Awareness. It might help someone.

Forward to as many as u can, kindness costs nothing.
Cancer Institute in Adyar, Chennai, India.

Category:     Blood Cancer 

Address:      East Canal Bank Road , Gandhi Nagar ,Adyar,
                     Chennai , Tamil Nadu,
                     Zip Postal Code : 600020

 Landmark:  Near Michael School  
Phone:        (+91) 44-24910754 , 44-24910754 , 44-24911526, 44-24911526 ,  44-22350241,
                    44-22350241 .

Thursday 22 August 2013

Predict The Gender Of Your Future Child

                    How it would be If you can decide what baby you want to have?????

                     Feeling excited?????

                    Here is the secret..... Chinese have discovered a birth chart which will give you the prediction about your child even when the baby is in the mother womb Without Scanning ( Scanning a pregnant mother is a punishable offence) .

Chinese Birth Chart

The Above Shown Chart is the Chinese Birth Chart. It was found by the chinese 1000 years before and still it gives accurate predictions. In the Above Shown chart At the Top first row and the last row in bottom shows number from 1-12 - It denotes the month in which the female gets Conceived( A Woman gets pregnant) and the left corner first column denotes the age of the Female (18-45)

For Example: If a female gets pregnant in the moth of april (4) and her age is 27yrs  then according to the chart's prediction the gender of the baby will be a BOY

Wednesday 21 August 2013


French Beans(Green Beans)- A Natural Remedy For Kidney Stones


  I am not a Educated Urologist. With my experience I have written the home treatment for the most painful thing ever to human being.

Today, the majority of kidney stone is a common problem due to the food habit

The pain which is caused, in my experience it is not comparable.

Four years before I started getting pain in my waist and thought it is problem due to gastric trouble but the amount of pain was increasing and unsustainable. So I visited  a doctor  and he recommended to take a scan.

The scanned report showed, 5mm and 9mm-two stones in the kidney, and the doctor said that it should be removed through surgery.

Medical cost will be INR. 30,000/- (500-600$)  even though we do the surgery there is no guarantee that the formation of stones in kidney will be stopped in future. It all depends on your daily diet and the amount of water you drink daily.

I came home with worries and even I used to drink banana stem juice after my friend had this problem. But it seems i have reduced my consumption of water daily and it was the reason for the problem.

I  surrendered to Google, and Searched for more than 1 hour and later I found out the treatment used by a  vegetable and a liquid.

The name of the vegetables is French beans, the name of the fluid is Water (I drink every day that we have at home).


 First buy Fresh French beans (Green beans) 250 Grams - remove the seeds and Add water, It must be four times more than the bean. Boil it for more than two hours. Drink two glasses of decoction for every one hour throughout the day. Try to drink more water as much as possible in between this process.

I started drinking from 5 PM  until 3:30 AM and around 4 AM All the stones are broken in to 5 pieces and flushed out through the urine.

Don't get panic as the stones are in irregular shape sometimes it will bleed.

People Who Don't Have Kidney Stones Also Can follow It Because This Method Has No Side effects

Preventive Measures


Drink at-least 3 litres of water per day.

Basil leaves :  with these leaf juice, honey and eat six days, the stone will break completely. (Do it as precaution)

Apple : frequent intake of Apple will stop stone forming.

Grapes   in which, water, salt potassium, stop stone formation. And the fruit contains albumin and sodium chloride  is good solution.

Pomegranate: Consume one table spoon of  juice of this seed + 2 table spoon horse gram juice will control stone formation.

FIG :  Boil in water and filter then take this juice for one month in the empty stomach in morning will be a remedy.

Water Melon has potassium which erodes Stones in the Kidney

Frequently Drink Coconut Tender Water

Banana Stem juice: Stop forming Stones and also break (diffuse) them.

Monday 19 August 2013


Natural medicine for Arthritis

Arthritis (knee pain) 

Most of us even young children now a days are suffering because of knee pain ( Arthritis). To find out a remedy for any issue we must know it's root cause. When we were in childhood we play a lot, we will run here and there and suddenly if we want to urinate we do it immediately. When we become teenagers then we look for good toilets to urinate. We look for good toilets and we control ourselves from urinating. This thing starts at the age of 10 for females and at 18 for males. At this point of time our kidneys suffer being not able to excrete the urine.


                                   Our brain does this job, it sends instructions to kidney not to urinate now so our kidney stops it regular work temporarily. Due to this our blood without sending out the urine runs through our body. When this blood runs through the knee part these uric acid crystals get deposited in the knee bone joints. This process is repeatedly done in one's life span. This is the reason behind arthritis.

Cardiospermum grandiflorum (balloon vine)

Balloon vine is the best natural medicine to Arthritis. It has the capability to disslove the uric acid crytals and take it to the kidneys and send it out of the body through urine. It also leaves sodium and potassium behind which makes bones stronger. It has no side effects like other medicine. It should not be steamed and cooked. It should be included in food directly.

Natural Home Air Filters

Everything in this world came by nature. Why can't we use natural products that mother nature gave us for better living than using artificial man made products?????

Here is a surprising thing that mother nature already gave us natural air filters long long ago. Is'nt that shocking??????

See our mother nature's gift

Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

Bamboo Palm is common plant grown in gardens of every home even without knowing it's speciality. It is a plant which can remove Formaldehyde which can cause skin allergy and can stimulate respiratory problems for asthmatic patients at low levels. Constant exposure to Formaldehyde causes Lung cancer. Bamboo palm removes these harmful toxins from air and not only that it is also a natural Humidifier.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake plant is also very common in our gardens kept because of it's beautiful look. Come on friends let us know about it's role in purifying air, Snake plants absorb Formaldehyde, which is already a harmful chemical for asthmatic patients and also Nitrogen Oxides , which are poisonous and can cause severe Respiratory problems.

Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens)

Areca Palm is the Most effective Air Humidifier, so friends put off your electric humdifier. It is also an active absorber of Formaldehyde. In winter periods keep this plant for every 100sqft of interior living or working place, it can put back the lost moisture in air very effectively.

Heart Leaf Philodendron

Heart Leaf Philodendron can remove high concentration of Formaldehyde in air. It is very useful purifier of air in industries were people are upto the exposure of higher concentration of formaldehyde.